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@stuart P.S. Rebecca may be 5 hours late on Friday.

@ianRobinson though I do slow down podcasts that are music centric; if it ruins the music it’s not worth the time saved on speaking parts, especially where they’re discussing tone and tempo!

@ianRobinson I never really got into audiobooks, but I’d definitely be using that if I was listening to a book! I do the same for WWDC session videos, but I just can’t be bothered speeding up and slowing down YouTube for podcasts, and it’s not that feasible at all for podcast clips on social media!

@pmcg @Moltz I ordered a fibre to the premises connection in Sept last year, and the provider (BT in UK) sent me out the equipment the next day, along with a request for the old equipment to be returned within 2 weeks.

I still don’t have the FTTP connection finished and am definitely still using the old equipment. Thankfully they haven’t demanded it back yet!

Mo boosted

@dermdaly unrelated to the specifics of your post, but I’m intrigued to see how this will be applied to the UK. It’s no longer in the EU, except one pesky little part of it is. Campaign for the Northern Irish App Store starts now!

@Moltz I get legit emails from Xfinity on a regular basis to remind me to send back the equipment that I’m no longer using. Apparently they’re going to debt recovery against me. It’s okay. I live in Ireland. Do your worst Xfinity!

This new trend of podcasts posting video clips reinforces for me that Americans talk too slowly and is going to be a problem. At least when I have them trapped in my podcast app I can make them speak at normal speed, but when they escape to video mediums it’s so much harder to bend them to my will.

@jamesthomson @stuart what if you had a bunch of tip SKUs for small amounts, each of which is a letter. Then the tipper spells out their message in a sequence of tips. Come on, you’re an engineer. You’re supposed to be hacking the available framework to your needs!

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Mo boosted

@shezza_t @bobcardboard surely they get diplomatic immunity from budgets?

@shezza_t @bobcardboard the ambassador would not be serving non-posh chocolates

@tosbourn @bitflipped for sure! Then get onto my favourite, Wyrd Sisters. Still have my very battered copy I got over 30 years ago.

Mo boosted

A pathetically weak post from @caseynewton

Despite laying out the myriad issues Substack has exhibited by aligning itself with Nazis, and reading like the inevitable conclusion will be that it is no longer viable for Platformer to remain there, it sputters out with a cowardly “let’s hope they do better”.

The only possible opinion to draw from this is that, like Substack itself, Casey is fine with the status quo, but wants to be seen paying lip service to decrying it.

@shezza_t @ianRobinson milk should be sold in two measures: metric and “how much I need”.
- 500ml / just a few cereals and some teas, for a day
- 1ltr / cereals, teas, maybe some drinking milk with dinner, for a day or two
- 2ltr / all the usual plus a hot chocolate or Ovaltine, for several days
- 3ltr / I have young children in the house who are lactose tolerant.

@glennf @mwichary mine arrived today (UK!) and I don’t get home to open it until tomorrow. Thankfully our FedEx delivery person phoned and asked where was safe to leave it, rather than abandoning on the doorstep. Can’t wait to get at it!

@pmcg @schwa I was once got two bottle of Grey Goose vodka with a gift note that read “from me to me. Love you. HONK”

Drunk me is great craic.

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